Faxable Order Forms Download Faxable Order Form here… We are reviewing our “DO IT Diary” and would appreciate your feedback! In return, we will give your school 20% OFF their 2019 NEW Do IT Diary order. All we need is for 10 surveys to be returned from your school. This could be from parents, teachers or students. So why not share this survey on your schools Facebook site, add it your newsletter or simply have a class of students share their thoughts. School name:* State*New South WalesVictoriaQueenslandWestern AustraliaSouth AustraliaTasmaniaAustralian Capital TerritoryNorthern TerritoryWhich best describes yourself Student Teacher Parent There is enough SPACE to write on recording page/sComment/Suggestions:I enjoy the QUESTIONS & JOKES on each weekly recording pageComment/Suggestions:Rank the information you or you/ students find MOST useful and/or ENJOY using in the diary:Please drag your favourite choices to the top of this section.What other information or material would you like to see included in this diary?I like the inclusion of AWARDS and STICKERSComment/Suggestions:Give the “DO IT Diary” an overall ratingAny final thoughts you'd like to share?Thank you for taking the time to respond to this Review—your feedback is much appreciated!Are you a human?